IT Solutions

Over 30 apps made so far...


Mobile App Development

Web Development

UI/UX Design

close up photo black Android smartphone
close up photo black Android smartphone

Who's Joe? I'm Josip Joe, a Flutter Expert working with Flutter since it was in alpha. Worked on over 30 apps so far, including Flutter apps, native iOS, native Android and web apps. Speaker and Flutter community organizer.

My own apps

Flutter clicker game with multiplayer aspect. Start your career, create your business, take care of the environment.

Stock Wizard

Football with Friends

Track your stock inventory in custom way just for your organization.

Do you occasionally play a soccer match with your friends but have trouble getting the team together? Easily manage and keep everyone up to date with Football with Friends mobile and web app.

Inspired by the Wall Street Bets community, a trading strategy game. Buy stocks, short or HODL and reach company goals.

Let's work together